
I won't let my guard down...

'...for anyone but you.'

It's been a really slow and comfortable past couple of days. Thanks to Pam, I am officially obsessed with the Twilight book series. I'm finishing the third book, and waiting on bated breath for the fourth book to come out. Basically, that's what most of my weekend was devoted to doing; I was reading the books on our back porch and just relaxing out in the sun...

Nothing much that's new, nothing majorly important. I have been starting to work on more of my music and writing these days, but it sort of works itself out when it wants to. Just...enjoying summer, I guess. Ocean's coming to visit in a couple of weeks, and then there's the annual Streamwood Summerfest which I am thoroughly excited for. Been thinking about school a lot, but that's nothing new. I've been going to bed earlier these days, which is always a good thing. Sleep's always been best at helping me sort out things that I've been worried or stressing about. It's getting better...slowly, but surely. I'll just have to let it run it's course, I suppose.


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