
I am only a fighter...

'...in the form of a writer.'

Lots of things went on this week, some good and some bad. Gave me a lot to think about, but overall I like how it turned out.

So I guess you could say I learned a lot of different things over the past week, and from the people that I would least expect to learn anything from...

I found out that in moments of utter desperation, hope comes in many different forms. You find out that there are different people in your life that, while seemingly existing in the background, become your source for happiness and comfort. Someone that you feel you barely even know becomes a great friend, and all because of a few spoken words. You ever get those moments where you wonder why you never saw how amazing someone was because you never fully realized their potential to be of some significance in your life? Sometimes, all it takes is 'one moment'...


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