
I'm not fine, I'm in pain...

...it's harder every day.

I am having the most whacked-out dreams lately, and a good majority have to do with me either beating the living shit out of someone, or of people dying...

Pent-up tension? A peek into the future? Or symbolism of something far more complex?

I was driving around today...just driving. I needed to try and clear my head. There was just wayyy too much going on in there. All day, I just felt kinda sad, and not necessarily about anything in specific. Just...sad, that's all. I don't really know if the driving did it, but I got home and I did feel better.

Anyways, back to the driving. I never really realized it up until then, but I have been taking for granted the time I get to myself. I feel as though I'm purposely trying to find something, anything for me to do or take up my time. Why? Maybe just to avoid thinking about things that needed to be thought about. I guess I try to convince myself that there are more 'pressing issues' to deal with, but in all reality, there really isn't. In comparison to everything bottled up inside, most other things can wait.

So, now that I have gotten the chance to think about it, what do I do?


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