
What if fine's not good enough...

"...what if i want 'extraordinary' ? "

Random Thought #1: There was this poster in my french class all throughout high school. It was of Lucy from the Peanuts comics, and she was saying something in French;
Mes goƻts sont simples, j'aime la perfection. I used to agree with that, and now-a-days, I'm not so sure anymore...

Random Thought #2: I feel as though I was greatly deprived as a child because of the fact that I haven't ever been to Disneyworld.; been to the lesser, not-as-appealing-in-my-book Disneyland, and frankly, I just don't think it's the same. Is it too late for me to enjoy all that dear ol' Walt's imagination had to offer?

Random Thought #3: Fuck, I'm a sophomore in college after the end of this summer. I'm really that old already...

Random Thought #4: What if nursing isn't really what I wanna do? and how am I supposed to tell them? Maybe it's just me, and maybe it's just a phase I'm going through [right now], but in all honesty, it's all i eat, breathe, sleep, dream, and live these days. I just wanna get this cleared up...


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