
Timing's everything...

"...and this time there's plenty."

Another morning post.

Got a lot of things done this past week. Learned a lot of things, too. Summer's slowly winding down to a close, and I'm not really sure where it went, to tell you the truth. I wish I could say I had crazy little fiascos to make this 'summer of 2008' one of the most memorable to date. Nope, no fiascos. No scandalous happenings. It was simple. I hung out with my family and friends, did some stuff around the house, found a new addiction in the form of a book series. I got my heart broken, fell in love, then had it all fall apart again. I made new friends, and relished time with old ones. I reveled in my last possible moments of 'childhood', and figured out when it was high time that I needed to grow up. Thanks to everyone who just so happened to be part of this simple summer. For everyone else who wasn't, there's always the school year...


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